About Us

All Tech Electrical is dedicated to providing the very best service to all customers.

Customer Testimonials

Hennessey Electrical; "Thank you for the prompt after hours service you provided, your expertise enabled us to have our customer up and running very quickly."

Authorised Electrical Work

There is very little electrical work that can be done without being a qualified electrical worker. There are a few exempt tasks, however "doing it yourself" or having any electrical work done by unqualified trades people is not only unsafe, but illegal. All Tech Electrical has a current practising licence issued by the Electrical Workers Registration Board, this means that we are up to date on current safety procedures and modern electrical standards. When our work is completed, we supply a Certificate of Compliance and/or Electrical Safety Certificate. This certification is an assurance that the work complies with the New Zealand electrical safety regulations.

All electrical work requires a current practising certificate.

Electrical Worker ID EW121535